What do we know about The Division

Beta testing Tom Clancy’s The Division took place in several visits – first for a small group of devoted, and then for all comers. In a beta test, about six and a half million players managed to participate, and all of them were faced not only with hostile groups, marauders and nasty weather, but also with a lot of other problems.

There are less than a week left before the release, and now we are better than ever, we can imagine what to expect from the new game with the prefix Tom Clancy’s.

Dark Zones is the main impression

The world after any cataclysm changes beyond recognition. People turn into gloomy "survivors" with backpacks behind their backs, and the struggle for resources unfolds on the streets. The particularly gloomy corners of New York, where even your brothers in arms can become sworn enemies, are called “Dark Zones” (Dark Zones). There you can find powerful trunks and fight with particularly complex opponents.

Beta did not really understand how “these areas are dark”. The ceiling of levels is too low for serious battles, and AI lacks stars from heaven and takes thick armor. But it became clear what the system of agents-rivergates-that is, other players who decided to put a paw on someone else's good.

In Dark Zones, approximately the same as in Dayz , Rust , Ar K and other ever -developed games about survival, let it on a slightly smaller scale: players are looted, meet other players, kill other players and assign other people's trophies. So, you have gathered a habar with your group and get ready to send it to the base. The helicopter is already on the way, but then a couple of unfamiliar agents appear behind your back. They clearly did not come from corporate solidarity: as soon as the transport sets to land, bullets begin to whistle in the air. Aliens firing at you and your partners, pick up all the prey and send them in the same helicopter.

For the sake of such a spontaneous combustion, it is worth playing: the cruelty and atmosphere of hopelessness in the plot begin to broadcast the players themselves, not spectacular videos or NPC. And this is perhaps the most original situation in Bete The Division. I would like to believe that then there will be more conditions for stories that the game can tell itself without resorting to all kinds of movie tricks.

In the end, the story of the head hunters can get an interesting development. If one agent kills another, his and his team for a while is marked as renegades (Rogue) – for the murder of people like them give additional experience. As for the sharks of the “dark zone” themselves, on the contrary, it becomes profitable to shoot as many colleagues as possible – so you can earn more money by receiving a reward for your own head after the timer expired.

► Snowdrop is capable of a lot. He is just modest.

► In any case, so the Division looks now (screenshot with PS4). It is noteworthy that in the console version you can reduce graphics settings to increase the frame rate. Nothing is noteworthy.

Development was not shown

In the shootings The Division – almost like Mass Effect. There are guns, skills and shelters in it, but the parameters of weapons and pumping decide no less than the ability to shoot. In the test version, of course, we were not allowed to test the most powerful samples, and to active skills like shields, turrets and grenade-faces, things did not reach at all.

► Weapon setting was clearly done with an eye on borderlands.

The weapon is falling in tons, but it is hardly a dozen worthy specimens (meanwhile, the store is already teasing with high -level automatic machines, for now, alas, inaccessible). Convenient sorting helps to get rid of trash that allows you to mark the “garbage” equipment, and in general, all inventory fuss is extremely conveniently furnished. To outweigh the old improvements to the new barrel and find a good firearm among a heap of scrap metal is not difficult.

The almost complete absence of the plot in Bete made it possible to focus on the study of the city and side tasks-and it is easy to make the assumption that there was nothing really to do in the post-apocalyptic New York. In any case, in places from beta you can run into a gang of looters, get involved in a shootout … and in general everything. In the first locations, the open world is not justified – the players just ran from marker to marker, while nothing happened around.

Will something change next? It's hard to say. But I want to believe that it will be different, of course.

► however, there is a charm in a walk: sudden snowfall can make at least some variety.

The PC version was hacked

In the era of digital distribution services and multi-stage protection systems of the PC version of The Division, it turned out to be greeted from the past. Almost all the data in Bete was processed on the client’s side, and the cunning players immediately realized how to make our way more ammunition, how to shoot without a miss and look through the walls. Vyaters' dominance quickly nullified the confrontation in Dark Zones, that is, areas for PVP. So one of the most important chips of the game passed by PC players.

Ubisoft representatives called the problems with intra -game safety no more than glitches and reported that they were already working to solve the problem. They didn’t have much time left – if the cheaters find themselves in the final version, the fate of The Division on the computer will be a foregone conclusion.

► In fact, the stylistics and interface is so frankly https://sister-site.org/playojo/ caused by Watch_Dogs that the episode crossover simply suggests itself. In a sense, he has already happened.

There is nothing supernatural here

In the early years, Ubisoft showed a lot of incredible things, but since then The Division has descended from heaven to earth. In mechanics – no super -horsing (as well as difficult to become and unclear how justified) things like managing a drone from the phone. Graphics … normal. Not breakthrough, as shown three years ago, but the work of artists is beyond praise: to breathe into the picture life – we have seen this more than once, but masterfully convey the feeling of desolation and death we must be able to know. True, it has yet to be understood whether the passage of the “locations here is lifeless” can be considered a compliment.

Watch these archival videos again.

We looked? Now forget it. The main thing is to finally understand: that of The Division hasn't been two years old. Now it is a much more mundane game about much more mundane things, and the questions have remained at all on duty. Will they have time to solve security problems in PC version? Whether the skills will be able to truly refresh the shootings inaccessible in Bete? And since this is an online game – what about endheim? Is it worth hoping that after passing the plot there will be something besides eternal skirmishes in Dark Zones?

Be that as it may, the eighth of March is already close.

► The game has not yet come out, and Ubisoft is already talking about plans for the first year.






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