Part 1 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
At the request of our readers, we publish a list of the most anticipated, according to the editorial office " ", Games 2014. The year promises to be very saturated, so the article will consist of several parts. Before you is part two.
We decided not to make a rating from the list – we are waiting for all these games about the same. Do not worry, nothing will disappear-if something is missing in the first two parts, it will probably appear in subsequent.
Action Watch_dogs has been in development since 2009. Initially, Ubisoft was going to release the game in November 2013, but then Watch_dogs was postponed to the spring of this year to make a hundred percent hit from the new building, so the game is becoming one of the most anticipated for the second year in a row! According to common rumors, the release will take place on March 21, and the expectation of this date is burdensome every day. Well, still, Grand Theft Auto 5 A long time ago, Assassin’s Creed 4 I bored many in the middle. The “Jubi” response to Los Santos was the virtual Chicago, where the action is, perhaps the main Ubisoft game in recent years.
In Watch_Dogs, the French united ideas from their two popular series: Far Cry and Assassin’s Creed, they put up a living city with a thoughtful ecosystem, and as a control panel – smartphone. Hacker Isid using his gadget is capable of a lot: block the movement of cars on the freeway, switch traffic lights and barriers, connect to surveillance cameras and cut off electricity. In fact, it largely resembles a coola from Infamous 2, but instead of electrical superpowers, he uses electronic hacking technologies. No wonder the motto of the game is the tempting phrase "hacking is our weapon".
We have every chance of getting a dream game: with a bewitching world, parkor, a bunch of side entertainment and missions, a colorful protagonist and spectacular fights, and at the same time the opportunity to play with hacker tools. A cherry on the cake will be a system of moral choice, according to which the actions will determine the personality of the protagonist – whether he will become a hacker for the benefit of public interests or an inglorious bastard, crippling the fate of innocent? Just don't forget to update the firmware of your pacemakers – so, just in case! – Anton Bely
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The game begins with your murder-as if in some Watchmen comic book, the Hero-detective is cynically beaten and thrown out of the hotel room window to the pavement. Ordinary robbery, the case is closed? Of course, no, everything is just beginning-for some reason, the killer decides to abuse over a stray body. The ghost of the deceased wants to stop the villain, but he shoots the dead man, Ronan O’Connor, point blank. This is clearly something personal! Simultaneously with the corpse, the ghost also receives these seven bullets, the holes from which remain on his phantom body.
Video games often offer to play for the dead, but they have to investigate the circumstances of their own death much less often. Of the successful examples, only Ghost Trick, But Murdered – by an order of magnitude ambitious. The developers create an adventure with a third person, where detective activities, combat component and stealth elements are mixed in equal proportions. Something is waiting for us Hitman: Absolution With interrogations from Heavy Rain. After death, O’Connor got the opportunity to hide in the bodies of living people and read other people's thoughts. He cannot force a person to recall or do something, as in Messiah, but he is able to “hide” from evil ghosts in a policeman walking along the corridor or to bring a girl-seeker about the examined execution.
The detective is placed in a strict time frame, and if he does not find the mysterious killer and does not find out the cause of his own death on time, he will turn into one of the madmen of the dusk. Those hungry ghosts that roam the city in search of victims.
Only one thing confuses in this story – past projects of the studio, Dark VOID, Quantum Conundrum And Derpbike , frankly, the stars were not grabbed from the sky. – Anton Bely
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The eighth part of the races with the one-sen-assembly-second-grade-and-th-drum promises to look at visiting this spring. Salvation of the drowning man is the work of the drowning man himself, so Nintendo has no choice but to rivet on a loss -making WII U Game with your own. The concept is still the same, but something will still change: for example, the game will add antigrava tracks and the motorcycles will be returned from Mario Kart WII. In principle, this is already enough (complete with new racing tracks, of course!) to release the game and not worry about sales.
The secret here is not only in a recognizable brand and quality of the product (and Mario Kart as a race in fascination can give a head start to many Need for Speed). Behind the cartoon wrapper hides a rather serious and worked out mechanics of card behavior, with its tricks and features – so this entertainment is not only for the whole family. Do not believe? Look at the multiplayer servers of the game.
Only one thing can cause concern – with each new part, the developers more and more simplified the mechanics for the sake of a mass audience, and the races gradually began to turn into Korean "Random". We hope, Mario Kart 8 Still will be an exception. – Andrey Skochok
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The Longest Journey series fully justifies its name – this story began fifteen years ago and has not been completed to this day. Moreover, in a decade and a half, just two games have been made. Two very different, but equally beautiful quest, each of which has become a cult.
First The Longest Journey was the work of completed and self -sufficient. The journey of eighteen -year -old April Ryan through two worlds – futuristic Stark and through the magic Arcadia – was fascinated by a unique mixture of a gloomy cyberpanus with a fairy tale and came to a logical final. And a seven years later DreamFall turned out to be not so much a continuation as a new story about the same people.
And this story can not be called the completed. Dreamfall began the story of the events that happened after a good decade, sent new heroes on the wanderings, continued the journey of the old ones and brought them all … to nowhere … to nowhere. The game was cut off in the most interesting place, so obvious “continued” as in every series from Telltale you will meet. But only in the case of the TV shows Telltale, you usually know that you will have to wait only a couple of months, and we have been waiting for Dreamfall for eight years.
And just a miracle that we still have something to wait. Over the years, they tried to divide the game into microepisodes, then release in online, then generally wave it on it and close the project. The creator of the series Ragnar Tinkvist was not able to convince publishers that the end of the story April Ryan will be interesting to players. Therefore, he asked for help from the players themselves – and did not lose. Kickstarter campaign ended more than successfully.
This fall, we will finally see DreamFall Chapters. Not a series, not mmo – just a three -dimensional quest. Again with a third-person management, but without stupid "combat" inserts, which in the original Dreamfall looked like a wiped tape from above. We will finally find out the answers to all the questions hanging in the air since 2006. Is it true that the journey of April Ryan ended forever? Whether the dreamer Zoe Castillo will come out of the deep coma? What will Kian Alvana do, an elite soldier and a killer in the service of the church, convicted of treason? What shadow I felt in the traveler Brian Westhaza White from the Dry Kin family, and is she alive?
It doesn't matter what these answers will be. It is only important that the longest journey will finally end. – Stanislav Stepanchenko
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The Last Guardian It has long turned into an unidentified game project: it seems that there are pictures and eyewitnesses, and the real evidence of its existence of the public did not present.
The third project of the Team ICO studio long before the exit can be regarded as a single, manual dressing masterpiece. After all ICO, And Shadow of the Colossus were like that.
Fumito Weda, the founder of the studio, before leaving the wing Sony, said that The Last Guardian should give the player emotions similar to those that overwhelmed the adventure of the horned boy Iko and the defenseless royal daughter. Only this time, friendly relations should unite a still nameless boy and an unusual psa-criffon. Here, in fact, is all. Frankly, the last development of the Japanese studio is only on the wave of those unique games that Fumito Weda managed to create during his work in the team. And we are waiting for The Last Guardian, hoping only for one thing – that a protracted creative process will not affect the final quality.
Why are we waiting for this year? Just a habit developed for years … – Sergey Openovanov
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Four sleepless nights and maybe five or six from the account has long lost- //- I wake up in cold sweat bags under my eyes, my head is buzzing in the temples hollowed by a punching so my soul 110010110 again calls the phone again, there is work for me where-then dirty deeds are going on, this city needs to be cleaned and if you can’t burn it to the ground, then you need to apply point blows to the corpses The only one who can save all these people and save their souls from – – mys of which they are no longer capable of for a long time, but I am able to I feel how the streets are groaning how silently they tremble at home and the lantern pillars whisper -% – die, die out with blood ___ ≠ I feel how my hands shake in anticipation of the night, that very night the city should be cleared by the Savior of this city ——— And only God will forgive me
Hotline Miami 2. It will be that very night. The night of the great cleansing. We are waiting for this game. – Oleg Chimde
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It is believed that Platinum Games eat exclusively Basabi. Basabi for breakfast, Basabi for lunch, Basabi for dinner, and half a half compote – also from Basabi. Otherwise, how to explain their passion to make games in which the hair on the knees rises from the speed? Bayonetta, Vanquish, Metal Gear Riding: Revengeance – If in these games you had the opportunity to rest, then it did not last long and even annoyed. Platinum Games came very close to becoming a flagship in the development of slasers. AND Bayonetta 2 can be the last decisive step.
Platinum Games is not the first to cooperate with Nintendo. At the dawn of its existence, the studio was marked by a bloody action movie Madworld for WII and space strategic role -playing game Infinite Space For Nintendo DS. Well, at the end of the same year, Bayonetta came out for the rest of the consoles. The witch turned out to be a really charismatic lady, it is not surprising, because Hideki Kamia, who gave Dante's life from Dante from Devil May Cry. But sympathy sympathies, and the publishers were in no hurry to invest in continuation. It was then that the “Big N” came to the rescue, thereby ensuring exclusivity for its senior console.
On Wii U Bayonetta prettily became prettier. The colors have become brighter, the picture is more saturated. The witch lost her long hair, but her combat techniques are still spectacular, and the old mechanics will be recognized at first glance. Damn the butterfly flutters from the enemy to the enemy and stings, like the spikes of the iron virgin.
But, having moved to a new platform, Bayonetta has changed not only externally. Platinum Games, in addition to the preferences of hardcore fans, you have to take into account the interests and capabilities of players not so sophisticated: for the casual public, the developers added sensory management to choose from. Not without the Off-TV Play mode, which can be played directly with Wii U Gamepad, not including TV. However, the declared regime of two players remains the most interesting innovation. How it will work while the riddle. But the very fact that the Nintendo money has invested in the project does not interfere in the creative process, inspires optimism and respect. – Sergey Openovanov
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U Heroes of the Storm, As they say, a difficult fate. Still-it does not happen in a different way when the development leads Blizzard with its company perfectionism. That's why Hots has already redoed twice from scratch. Initially, the game was called Blizzard Dota, grew out of the network card for Starcraft II and exploited the heroes of this universe. Then the concept was expanded: the game turned into Blizzard All-Stars, began using three world champions: Warcraft, Starcraft and Diablo. It reminded the clone at the same time League of Legends And Heroes of Newerth, and her, most likely, would have befell the fate of such “hits” as Infinite crisis And Guardians of Middle-Earth. Namely, entertainment for a couple of weeks.
After another reboot (we hope, already final!) The strategy with the fighter’s elements has finally take shape-now it is a juicy, colorful and most promising Moba game of 2014, with a chic list of participants: Kerigan, Nova and Reinor from SC II, Illidan, Malfurion and wiped from the Universe Warcraft, Diablo, Baal and Nazib From Diablo. Of all Blizzard games over the past twenty years! All of them met in a single boiler called Nexus – the merger of the worlds, which the developers call TRANSDIMENSIONAL STORM (with a certain stretch, you can translate as a “whirlpool of measurements”). Hence the name Heroes of the Storm (“Heroes of the Storm”), which so reminds of Heart of the Swarm and Hearthstone.
Blizzard is going to focus on the mass audience – in Hots, unlike the “pillbox”, you will not have to “fight creeps”, “flrap -on” and “farm the right art”. Compared to the League of Legends, the role of individual characters will decrease, and command fights will become even more important. Something is alarming: for example, all the experience gained will be common for the team. All five players will earn levels for killing enemy champions and neutral monsters as a whole. Is it honest?
Blizzard also introduce the first two-level card with a separate dungeon in the history of the genre, new mechanics in the form of struggle for strategic resources (dublons and skulls), as well as a map with the opportunity to transform one from the heroes into a collar of the dragon-neither give nor take, “big Daddy "by the standards of" heroes of the storm ". The usual store with artifacts will be replaced by a system of skills and talents developed on several branches. It seems that Blizzard is not afraid to try something new and intends to educate a competitor for all popular strategies with elements of an action movie at once.
We are looking forward to the invitation to a closed beta to finally figure out how formidly a formidable competitor is prepared for a fight with the titans of the Moba-gang. After all, to cross all your popular franchises and do something really new – this is the first time with Blizzard! – Anton Bely
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Having finally said goodbye to the Halo series, Bungie was finally able to throw all his strength to a truly new project- Destiny. And despite the fact that from the arts, Destiny directly blows the spirit of the adventures of the master of Chif, they differ dramatically.
Destiny is more Borderlands And Left 4 Dead, than Halo. We get to a random server, carry out the main story task, we take secondary ones, help comrades in misfortune, and so on. The linearity of the narrative should not be here. Sometimes your adventures will be interrupted by certain events common to all players, the onset of which, as promise, will be poorly subordinated to both players and developers. What and how will it be next – only Bungie is known. They only promise that Destiny socialization will become a big step forward compared to socialization in Halo: the possibility of the appearance of a mobile application that will maintain a connection between players, even if they are not on the network, is not ruled out. But this is a tinsel and a fashionable chip. Show us gameplay again!
You can’t worry about Destiny – behind it there is a very serious team of almost four hundred people, including those who once and for all turned the whole world of the shooters (and some at one time shook the world of music – the Sir Pols McCartney himself are listed in the composers of the game!). And who knows – maybe before our eyes a new cosmosaga is born, which will absorb the attention of millions of players around the world. We definitely count the days before the release. – Andrey Skochok
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It seems that the first game, which with a clear conscience can be attributed to the new generation, will be the third " Witcher "From Polish developers from CD Projekt Red. And although the graphics in it will remain for the most part the same as in the second part (although they should notice that when transferring " Witcher 2 »On the Xbox 360, the visual series was affected in it, so now we compare with the PC version), the scale of what is happening will grow by an order of magnitude. Is it a joke-the card will increase by about thirty times (and if you measure in Skyrim, it is about 20% more than in the last part of TES), preserving all the details. Dozens of settlements, a giant capital, several large islands of the Skelliga archipelago and a smaller plane of the islands – and all of them are densely populated by opponents, merchants and just civilians. Until the sheep herds per hundred goals, led by the shepherd, calculated at the same time.
In addition, monsters are promised, whose artificial intelligence adapts to the surrounding area. Giant in the forest and giant in a cave are two completely different enemy. One pulls the trees with the roots and waves them like a club, the second stomps loudly and calls rockfalls from the ceiling, from which you have to dodge.
In addition to this, there are new elements of mechanics: monitoring of monsters (naturally, in the wake), riding (hope for horseback battles is still warm), sea travels and much more. And, of course, corporate humor, reliable fantasy world and charming cynic Geralt in the title role. It is not scary that we cannot create a character for which we will play – in our hands there are enough choice options to educate ourselves Geralt to our liking and bring it to one of three completely different endings. – Alexander Pushkar
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To be continued…
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